Trends of the personality and somatic symptoms
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Somatic symptoms

How to Cite

Moral de la Rubia
, J. ., Torres Muñoz, M. A. ., Valdez Medina, J. L. ., & González-Arratia López-Fuentes, N. I. . (2012). Trends of the personality and somatic symptoms . Psicumex, 2(1), 56–74.



The aims of this investigation were to find out differences in the somatic symptom display, taking into account the type of personality trend [ego(+) or ego(-)] and gender. We administered the Personality Trend Questionnaire (CTP; Valdez, 2009) and the Somatic Symptoms Scale (ESS-R; Sandín & Chorot, 1995). Data analyses were conducted to the responses of a non probabilistic intentional sample of one 128 adults (60 and 68 women), of whom 64 corresponded to the ego(+) type and 64 to the type ego(-). Significant differences were found by personality styles. The type ego(-) participants were more symptomatic, and manifested more immunologic, gastrointestinal, allergic, hypertensive and renal symptoms. Based on the interrelationships within each personality type sample, the symptoms that involved the immunological system were more prevalent in the type ego(-), while the muscular-skeletal and genitourinary symptoms prevailed in the type ego(+). Differences by gender were also obtained, but they did not interact with the type of personality. Women were more symptomatic than men. Thus, the types of personality and gender allow considering differential strategies in somatic symptom intervention.
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