Demonstration of Paternal and Maternal Affection: Adolescent Experience
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Lozano Razo, G. ., Zavala Rayas, J., Miramontes Zapata, S. del C., Sánchez Bautista, J. M. ., Jiménez López , M. D. ., Pacheco Medina, F. ., … Luis Delgado, O. E. . (2013). Demonstration of Paternal and Maternal Affection: Adolescent Experience . Psicumex, 2(2), 4–13.



The aim of this study was to describe the experience of male and female adolescents from 15 to 18 years old, who live in the state of Zacatecas, regarding the demonstration of paternal and maternal affection. 80 adolescents who were chosen by a quota sampling, school years (middle and high school), and gender were asked two questions. How does your mom show you affection? and how does your dad show you affection? The answers were subjected to content analysis. The findings for males showed that the most common categories of affection from their mother were: physical expression of affection, verbal affection, care and protection and material expression of affection. On the other hand, affection categories from their fathers were material expression of affection, spending time with them and physical expression of affection. For teenage girls, the most common categories from their mother’s affection were: physical expression of affection, verbal expression of affection and care and protection. And from their fathers were: physical expression of affection, verbal expression of affection, and no signs of affection.
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