Resilience and Academic Engagement in High School Students
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academic engagement
risk-taking friends
high school

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Gaxiola Romero, J. C., Pineda Domínguez , A. ., González Lugo, S. ., & Gaxiola Villa, E. . (2022). Resilience and Academic Engagement in High School Students. Psicumex, 12(1), 1–31.



The aim of the study was to evaluate in two times (T1 and T2), the influence of risk-taking friends on the academic achievement of high school students and the buffering effect of different levels of resilience dispositions in this relationship. The longitudinal research was carried out in two time points with students selected from three high schools located in northwestern Mexico. The variables of dispositions to resilience, risky friends, and academic achievement were evaluated using a questionnaire. The evaluations were realized using a year between measures in a sample of 773 adolescents in the first evaluation; in the second evaluation, the retention was 62%. Applied factorial analysis using maximum similitude estimation was applied to prove the fit of the model and the post-predictive verification of data. According to results having risky friends in T1 predicted negatively the academic achievement in T2 (β = -0.335, p <0 .001), while the resilience dispositions buffer the negative effects of having risky friends on academic achievement (β = 0.084, p = 0.002). The pertinence of promoting resilience dispositions in adolescents living in contexts where they may be exposed to relationships with risky friends to maintain their academic engagement besides that risk is discussed.
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