Distress is a negative emotional state that can be induced by chronic diseases such as cancer. For its measurement, the Brief Symptom Inventory is an instrument with adequate metric properties. Its abbreviated form (to 18 items (BSI-18)) has been validated in aspects of factorial structure and internal consistency in Mexico but not in aspects of concurrent validity. In clinical practice with women with breast cancer, it is important to identify the variables that predict greater distress in order to address psychological wellbeing. To this aim, the BSI-18 can be applied with the new identified factorial structure in Mexico. The objective of this research was to study the relationship between distress and sociodemographic and clinical variables. An intentional, non-probabilistic sampling method was used. The sample was composed of 203 Mexican women treated for breast cancer. The BSI-18 and a self-report questionnaire were administered. The latter consisted of close-ended questions regarding sociodemographic and clinical information. The BSI-18 total score and its three factors were independent of the sociodemographic variables. In the total sample, receiving anti-hormone therapy and receiving radiotherapy were highlighted as correlates and predictors among the clinical variables. In mastectomized women, receiving chemotherapy and desiring to conserve the breast were the most important correlates and predictors. Longer periods of time elapsed since diagnosis and surgery were associated with greater distress. We conclude that providing psychological support to women receiving anti-hormone therapy and radiotherapy is important, especially considering that longer treatment times increase levels of distress.
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