The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between resilience, self-esteem and hardiness in children with a history of abuse that are currently in an institution of the Mexico’s Integral Family System (DIF) at the city of Toluca. The sample comprised 75 children and adolescents between 10 and 18 years old with a history of physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and combinations of these types of abuse. The data indicate no statistically significant differences in the variables by type of abuse; yet, a moderate positive correlation between these variables (resiliency, self-esteem and hardiness) was found. It is concluded that further studies on resilience and its association with self-esteem and hardiness are needed; also that the institution is expected to provide the necessary conditions for the development and strengthening of these personality characteristics of children and adolescents, since they positively influence the ability to cope with situations, and becoming stronger and resilient.
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