Associations between creativity and academic self-concept in elementary school students
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primary school students

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Grimaldo Salazar, E., Rodríguez Reyes, I. V. ., Galván Ruiz, J. L. ., Bello León, M. ., García Méndez, M. ., & Chávez Soto, B. I. . (2022). Associations between creativity and academic self-concept in elementary school students. Psicumex, 12(1), 1–26.



This research aimed to analyze the relationship between creativity and academic self-concept as well as to identify differences by sex for study variables among 3rd to 6th grade students. A non-probabilistic convenience sample included 269 public school students located in Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México. The study administered the Academic Self-concept Scale and the Figural version of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. Results showed a statistically significant correlation between academic self-concept levels and creativity skills such as originality, title, and closure. Regarding sex differences, a t test found higher scores in creativity for girls than boys (t= -3.008, p= 0.003). It is concluded that the perception children have of their own abilities as students represents an important element for the development of creative thinking.
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