Perception About the Environment and Environmental Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic
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environmental perception
pro-environmental behavior
behavior of others
social influence

How to Cite

Vanegas Rico, M. C., & Bustos Aguayo, J. M. . (2022). Perception About the Environment and Environmental Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic. Psicumex, 12(1), 1–29.



Changes in human activity during the COVID-19 lockdown have had an associated effect on environmental quality. The main purpose of this study was to know the perception of environmental quality during lockdown and the perception of participation from people. We used a non-probabilistic sample of 622 Mexican participants that responded to an online survey with 13 items in 2020. The results showed during this period the participants perceived a better environment, but mainly in other countries. They also perceived little improvement from people closer to them, and in Mexico in general, while they perceive that people from other parts of the world contributed a bit more. A specific evaluation in a closer context indicated that participants perceived more personal contribution, as well as from family and friends, than their neighbors did. On a personal level, participants reported a higher frequency of recycling. The results examined the implications of perception of environmental quality and the behavior of others on personal behavior.
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