Psychosocial Factors, Intervention and Integral Management in Organizations:
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systematic review, integral management, organizational intervention, psychosocial factors

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Anaya-Velasco, A., Luna-Chávez, E. A., Ramírez-Lira, E., & Díaz-Patiño, D. G. . (2021). Psychosocial Factors, Intervention and Integral Management in Organizations:: Systematic review. Psicumex, 11(1), 1–27.



The aim of this work was to perform a systematic review targeting psychosocial risk factors associated with interventions as well as research on integral management organizations that have reported carrying out interventions. The systematic review was conducted between May and August 2019 using the PRISMA methodology. Articles published between 2014 and 2019, in English and Spanish, located in the Science Direct, Scopus, EBSCO, Web of Science, and Google Academic databases were included in two simultaneous searches. An update was performed between September 2019 and May 2021 to identify additional research within the same parameters. No studies focused on psychosocial factors related to interventions of an organization from an internal management perspective were identified in the reviewed literature, nor were any other systematic reviews. These findings identify a potential gap in the literature as well as an opportunity for future research.
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