Educational perception on the relation teacher-student in secondary schools
PDF#5 2 (Español)


Teacher-student relationship
teaching practice
learning motivation

How to Cite

Barrios Gaxiola, M. I. (2013). Educational perception on the relation teacher-student in secondary schools . Psicumex, 3(1), 16–25.



Due to working with adolescents in junior high schools is very important in basic education, teachers should be aware of the characteristics and behaviors that are derived from the adolescence stage to define the best strategies to applied in the teaching process. For this reason, the objective in this research is to study the perceptions of high school teachers about the relationship between teacher and student. Therefore, teacher performance and the importance that students have of the subject will lead the latter to obtain meaningful learning. Through these expectations is concluded that most teachers try to enhance this relationship. However, nowadays this is still not adequate because adolescence, the large number of students per group, and time, are negative factors that affect this aspect. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers put into practice their skills to improve the interaction and coexistence in the classroom in order to generate motivation and interest to learn new things.
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