Dispositional and Normative Disorder Effects on the Violation of the Social Norm of Not Lying
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social norms
theory of planned behavior
normative focus

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Duarte Barroso, J., Quiroz Estrada, K. A. del C., & Cruz Torres, C. E. (2022). Dispositional and Normative Disorder Effects on the Violation of the Social Norm of Not Lying. Psicumex, 12(1), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.36793/psicumex.v12i1.434



The objective of this research was to contrast Planned Behavior Theory (PBT) and the models of social contagion of transgression between different norms. The components of the TCP were measured towards the norm of not lying, and the perceived transgression of other social norms in the neighborhood (e.g., littering) in a sample of 385 participants. Linear regressions and trajectory models show an adequate functioning of the TCP, although with low predictive capacity of the lying behavior. The transgression of different norms in the neighborhood increased the prediction of the transgression of the norm of not lying, supporting the hypothesis of contagion between different norms. The discussion focuses on the validity of the TCP, the need for an experimental extension, and the social implications of the contagion of the transgression of norms.

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