Executive functions are cognitive abilities related to regulation and planning of behavior. It has been documented that executive functions in children could be affected by deficiencies in social context. The aim of this study is to determine if there are significant differences in executive functions in adolescents with different level of social marginalization. It was developed a transversal study with 240 students, 120 coming from a mid-high socioeconomic marginalization context, and 120 students living in a low marginalization context. It was evaluated students ́ socio-demographic characteristics and their perception of neighborhood and school as risk contexts. Finally, it were evaluated executive functions using Wisconsin Card Sorting Computer Test, London Tower, a task Go-No Go, Weschler Memory Test and a verbal fluency test. Data were analyzed with SPSS, using descriptive statistics for socio-demographic variables and t Student Test was applied to determine if there were significant differences between groups. Result showed that adolescent from the group of mid-high socioeconomic marginalization reported less income per month, their mothers and fathers had less schooling and the executive functions of that group, compared to adolescents living with less marginalization, had lower punctuations in the test applied. In addition, the adolescents with less social marginalization showed better scores in executive functions and less perception of contextual risks.
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