Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Psicumex Semestral Journal July - December 2020
Psicumex Semestral Journal July - December 2020

PSICUMEX. Year 10, No. 2, July - December 2020, is a biannual refereed publication, published and edited by the Consorcio de Universidades Mexicanas (Blvd. Miguel Tamayo Espinoza de los Monteros 2358, Campus Buelna, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, C.P. 80020, Culiacán, Sinaloa), through the Universidad de Sonora (Blvd. Rosales and Luis Encinas s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, tel. (662) 2592 136, (662) 2897 157, revistapsicumex@unison.mx). Copyright number 04-2019-110414572300-203, ISSN Number: 2007-5936, both granted by Instituto Nacional de Derechos de Autor. Editors responsible, Martha Frías Armenta, PhD. (martha.frias@unison.mx) and Teresita Castillo León, PhD. (castillo.tete@gmail.com). Responsible for this publication latest update: Dirección de informática of the University of Sonora, Blvd. Rosales y Luis Encinas s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo Sonora. Date of last modification, December 2nd, 2020.

The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily have the position of the editor of the publication. The total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of this publication is authorized as long as it has the authorization of the Consorcio de Universidades Mexicanas and the source is fully cited.

PSICUMEX is indexed in the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT), in the Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB), in the Sistema Regional de Información en Linea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (LATINDEX) and in the Scientific Electronic Library Online Latinoamérica (Scielo Latinoamérica). 


Published: December 2, 2020.


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