Experiences of Young Mexicans During COVID-19 Pandemic Confinement
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social distance
health crisis
online evaluation

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Esparza Meza, E. M. ., Campillo Labrandero, M. ., Stincer Gómez, D., Sánchez Xicotencatl, C. O., Téllez Rojo, A. L., & Aveleyra Ojeda, E. . (2022). Experiences of Young Mexicans During COVID-19 Pandemic Confinement . Psicumex, 13(1), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.36793/psicumex.v13i1.526



In 2020, the World Health Organization suggested social isolation to avoid COVID-19 from spreading. Isolation among teenagers affected their lives and resulted in a mental health emergency. The purpose of the study was to analyze the experiences of Mexican adolescents and young adults during the confinement. Our research is a descriptive study with a non-probabilistic sample. Participants were 4,011 young adults, ages 14-25 (M=18.2, SD= 2.4) mainly women (67%) and high school and college students, who voluntarily answered an online 120 item questionnaire. They indicated favorable and non-favorable emotional experiences. Between 60 to 95% indicated doing creative activities, being kind to others, expressing concern with the wellbeing of their loved ones. More than half reported feeling anxious, sad, irritable, frustrated and lonely. Sleeping and eating disorders were also common. This group should be the target of urgent mental health services.

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