Parenting styles of mothers with partner violence experiences
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intimate partner violence
social support
authoritative parenting style
child maltreatment

How to Cite

Gaxiola-Romero, J. C. ., Millanes-Vargas, R. M. ., & Aranda-Corrales, C. L. . (2017). Parenting styles of mothers with partner violence experiences. Psicumex, 7(2), 22–39.



The consequences of intimate partner violence can be expressed in mother´s childrearing practices with their own sons and daughters. The aim of this study was to evaluate factors of the upbringing of intimate partner violence, and the risk factors which are the variables depression, problems of self-regulation and child maltreatment and the protective factors being the variables of social support perceived by friends, family and neighbors, psychological well-being, dispositions to resilience and authoritative parenting style. With informant consent signed, 254 mothers with experience with intimate partner violence were selected from their answers given to a questionnaire. The battery of tests was constructed according to the objectives of the study, sociodemographic characteristics were evaluated and each one of the selected variables. Descriptive statistics were used to measure demographic variables, after that, the results of the scales were averaged to conform latent variables to test it in a hypothetical structural equation model in the EQS 6.1 program. The results showed two courses: one where from the violence is the depression and problems of self-regulation culminating in child abuse, and another where as a result of violence under the influence of perceived social support, psychological well-being, resilience to end authoritative parenting.
PDF #14 2 (Español)


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