The teacher has an essential role in the teaching process, this research is about the Higher Education teacher who has experienced a series of changes in his activities during the last decade because of the reform in Educational Programs and Study Plans. The transformation observed with more attention is the conception of teaching. Since the teacher, in this educational level, was hired to teach as a specialist of a discipline, today he/she must do it based on an educational model that favors the competencies of his discipline. Therefore, teachers must have a series of knowledge that allows them to understand his educational practice as well as to determine the didactic strategies that fulfill the objectives of the study program. Therefore, the general objective was to analyze the educational practice of a group of teachers in higher education from UAEMéx. Considering their beliefs about the teaching learning process. The Teaching Perspectives Inventory (IIPE) was administered, its objective is focused on identifying what teachers believe, what they try to achieve and what they do when they teach. The instrument was administered to 284 teachers. The findings suggest coherence between teachers’ beliefs, intentions and actions in the teaching learning process.
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