Psychosocial factors associated to suicidal ideation and parasuicidal behavior in adolescents
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Suicidal Ideation
Parasuicidal conduct
Family Dysfunction
Individual Dysfunction

How to Cite

Fraijo Sing, B. S. ., Cuamba Osorio, N. ., Corral Verdugo, V., Tapia Fonllem, C. ., & Montiel Carbajal, M. . (2012). Psychosocial factors associated to suicidal ideation and parasuicidal behavior in adolescents . Psicumex, 2(1), 41–55.



This study was aimed at testing an explanatory psicosocial model of suicidal behavior (indicated by suicidal ideation and parasuicidal conduct) in teenagers. The sample was formed by one hundred and two teenagers divided into two groups, one with fifty-one teenagers that had engaged in suicidal behavior and who were currently attending at a psicotherapeutic center. A group was formed with the same number of subjects from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. A battery of instruments was administered to assess social and psychological factors as well as sociodemographic variables. A structural equation model was specified and tested including suicidal behavior as dependent variable, and social and psychological factors as independent ones. Seven factors were identified; three of them (child abuse, family communication, and parental rejection) affected the dependent variable indirectly, through a set of individual psychological variables that included depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and lack of coping skills. This set affected the dependent variable only in its suicidal ideation facet, which in turn influenced parasuicidal conduct. These findings offer an approach to the search of the determinants of suicidal behavior. Although these determinants include multicausal factors, in our model, individual and family factors are presented as the most important ones. The implications for possible preventive strategies regarding this phenomenon are also addressed
PDF#3 4 (Español)


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