Predictive Factors of Drug Use in High School Students
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drug use
risk factors
high school

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López Sauceda, M. del R., Norzagaray Benítez, C. C., Arreola Romero, F. G., & Corral Frías, N. S. . (2023). Predictive Factors of Drug Use in High School Students. Psicumex, 13(1), 1–28.



Adolescence is a stage of human development characterized by important changes that increase the probability of experimentation with psychoactive drugs. Due to the high increase in substance use in the Mexican adolescent population, the purpose of the present study was to analyze some personal, family, and contextual factors related to drug use through a cross-sectional/causal quantitative study in 1107 high school students in northwestern Mexico. The results showed that the most consumed drug was alcohol and there were differences between reports of consumption among males and females. Differences were found between personal, family, and contextual factors between those who reported using and not using drugs. Lack of confidence in refusing an offer of substances and the perception of having friends and peers who use drugs are the main predictors of drug use. These results can be used to implement scientifically based interventions to prevent adolescent risk behaviors and promote healthy lifestyles.
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