Adaptation and Validation of the Parental Monitoring Scale in Spanish for Adolescents and Parents
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substance misuse
parental supervision

How to Cite

Nuño Gutiérrez, B. L. (2024). Adaptation and Validation of the Parental Monitoring Scale in Spanish for Adolescents and Parents. Psicumex, 14(1), 1–25.



The parental monitoring scale has demonstrated adequate levels of validity and feasibility in the USA and given the lack of instruments assessing this construct in Mexico, the aim of this study was to adapt and validate into Spanish the Parental Monitoring Instrument scale in Mexican adolescents and their parents, as well as its validation using external criteria. 448 adolescents from public schools in Guadalajara and 215 parents of adolescents were included. The scale was not equivalent for both adolescents and parents. The adolescent version had a four-dimensional structure, while the parent version had a three-dimensional structure. Scale reliability was ω = 80 and ω = 83 respectively. Criterion validation identified an association between parental supervision and substance use. The parental supervision scale can be used with Mexican adolescents and their parents. Evaluation of the scale’s psychometric structure in other contexts is encouraged.
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