The perception of online moral disengagement (OMD) in adolescents and its relationship with school and family contextual factors was examined. The participants consisted of 720 adolescents (M = 12.41, SD = 0.68), between 11 and 14 years old, 385 (53.5%) women and 335 (46.5%) men from public secondary schools in Sonora, Mexico. Descriptive and confirmatory analyses were performed on the measurement instruments, and a structural equation model was tested to examine OMD. The results indicate that high levels of aggression and a violent school culture are positively related to OMD, family cohesion had a negative relationship, while parental supervision had a positive association with OMD. Normalization and positive attitudes towards aggressive behaviors in the classroom inhibits the emergence of moral mechanisms; along with rigid parent mediation, which make it difficult for adolescents to self-disclosure about their online activities.
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