A Correlational Study of Warmth, Empathy, and Optimism in Couples with Diabetes or Heart Disease
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heart disease

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Bravo Doddoli, A., & Sánchez Aragón, R. (2024). A Correlational Study of Warmth, Empathy, and Optimism in Couples with Diabetes or Heart Disease. Psicumex, 14(1), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.36793/psicumex.v14i1.621



Heart disease and diabetes are the leading causes of death in Mexico. These diseases affect not only the patient but also their environment, which includes their partners. In this context, variables such as warmth and shared empathy can influence the optimism of both members of a couple, helping them improve their physical health. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between warmth and empathy in diabetic patients (A) or with heart disease (A') and the optimism of their healthy partner (B and B’ respectively) and vice versa. For this, 218 couples in which one diagnosed diabetic partner and 203 couples with a partner diagnosed with heart disease participated. The results show that there is a difference between the participants due to the characteristics of each disease, in turn, it was observed that warmth and empathy in paired patient (A and A') had a greater influence on the optimism of their healthy partner (B and B') than vice versa. Finally, it was found that warmth rather than empathy developed optimism in the participants.

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