Psychometric Properties of the UWES-15 Scale in a Sample of Mexican Informal Vendors
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Informal Work
Psychometric Validity

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Rodríguez Esquivel, K. P., Juárez García, A., Ortega Sánchez, F. J., & Flores Jiménez, C. A. (2023). Psychometric Properties of the UWES-15 Scale in a Sample of Mexican Informal Vendors. Psicumex, 13(1), 1–34.



Research on job psychological effects and the validation of their measures in informal economy workers in Mexico is virtually non-existent, especially in positive phenomena such as work engagement. This quantitative, instrumental, and cross-sectional study was aimed at analyzing and demonstrating the psychometric properties, internal consistency, and divergent validity of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-15) in a sample of 290 informal vendors workers in “tianguis”, street stalls and established micro-businesses in Morelos. The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the feasibility of a tridimensional and unidimensional structure of the UWES-15 with satisfactory fit indices (CFI= 0.99-96, RMSEA= 0.01-.12, SRMR= 0.05-0.08). Acceptable internal consistency indices were observed (> 0.70) and in the exploration of divergent validity, as hypothesized, significant and moderate-high correlations with Burnout syndrome symptoms were found. The results showed adequate psychometric properties of the UWES-15 and theoretical validity of engagement in the work context of informal vendors.
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