Influence of the Use of Tattoos on the Perception of Economic Compensation, A Variable Under the Halo Effect
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decision making (DeSC)

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Rodriguez Fandiño, J. C. . (2022). Influence of the Use of Tattoos on the Perception of Economic Compensation, A Variable Under the Halo Effect. Psicumex, 12(1), 1–19.



The halo effect influences decision-making by attributing specific characteristics to events, objects or people, demonstrating that some decisions are not 100% rational as they involve cognitive shortcuts that may or may not be real. The objective of this study was to observe if a particular trait (use of tattoos) can modify the economic perception that a person has about another person, examine the role that sex plays against this trait, and how these factors interact. For this investigation, four photos were used, a man and a woman with and without tattoos; 208 college students were asked to give financial attribution to the submitted photo. Finding higher economic ranges in the photo of men with or without tattoos and a better salary range in women with tattoos. Concluding that indeed a specific characteristic such as a tattoo can change the perception of others against the salary attribution of a person.
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