Design and Validation of a Scale to Measure Teacher Perception of Self-Efficacy to Include Students with Disabilities (PDED) in Higher Education
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teacher self-efficacy
inclusive education
higher education
confirmatory data analysis

How to Cite

Cebreros Valenzuela, D., Durand Villalobos, J. P. ., & Valdés Cuervo, A. A. (2023). Design and Validation of a Scale to Measure Teacher Perception of Self-Efficacy to Include Students with Disabilities (PDED) in Higher Education. Psicumex, 13(1), 1–29.



Teachers play an essential role in the academic inclusion of higher education students with disabilities. The present study proposed designing and examining the psychometric properties of the Teacher Perception of Self-Efficacy to Include Disability Students (PDED) scale. Four hundred twenty-six teachers (Mage = 46.8 years, SD = 11.4) from five public universities of Sonora participated in the study. The confirmatory factor analysis results confirm the goodness-of-fit of the one-dimensional measurement model. The measurement invariance of the scale was verified in both sexes. The positive relation between PDED scores with teachers' attitudes and the social support provided by teachers to students with disabilities demonstrates the concurrent validity of the scale. We concluded that the PDED is a psychometrically robust instrument to measure teachers' self-efficacy for including university students with disabilities.
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