Empowerment Processes in Women Who Traveled Through a Shelter in Mexico
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gender violence
qualitative methodology

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Costeira-Cuevas, K., Cazares Palacios, I. M., & Herrera-Mijangos, S. N. (2022). Empowerment Processes in Women Who Traveled Through a Shelter in Mexico. Psicumex, 12(1), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.36793/psicumex.v12i1.491



The aim of this paper was to analyze how a shelter in the state of Coahuila de Zaragoza contributes to promoting empowerment processes in women who transited in that space. The study featured a qualitative design featuring a feminist based epistemic component. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and participant observations. A content analysis was carried out considering axes of analysis regarding empowerment. Results show that the institution facilitated processes that impacted socio-cognitively in individual terms: the participants recognized the different types of violence they experienced and identified norms that promote its exercise in the domestic sphere. However, the vision and actions of the shelter to promote empowerment that transforms gender structures are limited. Some suggestions are made for this type of institution to strengthen the empowerment of women from a feminist perspective.

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