Evaluation of the scientific production of framing in the psychological field (2015-2019)
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bibliometric analysis
quantitative content analysis
scientific production

How to Cite

Maldonado Reynoso, N. P., & Vázquez Herrera, N. V. (2021). Evaluation of the scientific production of framing in the psychological field (2015-2019). Psicumex, 11(1), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.36793/psicumex.v11i1.458



The term framing suggests that decision-making is influenced by the way in which certain information is presented to people. It has a psychological origin and the construct has been adopted by other disciplines. Therefore, framing is a consequence of the different definitions and methodologies that comprise it. This research sought to map framing characteristics, by identifying the state of scientific production from its discipline of origin, psychology. To achieve this objective, a bibliometric and quantitative content analysis of 63 scientific articles was carried out at an international level within the Scopus database, during the period 2015-2019. The results made it possible to detect the main themes and definitions used in the articles, as well as the characteristics of the authors and publications. We observed that definitions developed in other disciplines are impacting the psychological field; therefore, the possibility of carrying out interdisciplinary research is highlighted.

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