Lump in the Throat: Narratives of Health Personnel Caring for Patients with COVID-19
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narrative analysis
mutual aid groups
virtual service
nursing staff
mental health

How to Cite

Figueroa-Varela, M. del R., & Rangel Delgado, K. E. (2024). Lump in the Throat: Narratives of Health Personnel Caring for Patients with COVID-19 . Psicumex, 14(1), 1–37.



The mental health for workers in healthcare was affected by the overload derived from care for COVID-19 patients. It is recognized that there was no knowledge about the disease or labor systems prepared to deal with the pandemic. Mental health problems among of a group of eight nursing workers (6 women and 2 men) employed at a state health institution was addressed through a mutual help group created as an emotional support network. The information co-created by the group across 10 sessions was analyzed through narratives using a relativistic approach, with the thematic axes of emotional discomfort in the face of uncertainties and aggressions; need to be and moral dilemmas; courage to overcome institutional disorganization; emotional overload and the recovery of strategies and resources. The implications of the process narrated by the group resulted in an effective strategy for improving the mental health of the participants and the need to have virtual services to cope with needs or circumstances such as those triggered by a pandemic as well as the strength of the group process are discussed.
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