Emotional intelligence and goal setting in adolescents
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goal settings
emotional intelligence
life project

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Silva Gutiérrez , C., Andrade-Villegas, C., Juárez Loya, A., & González-Alcántara, K. E. (2022). Emotional intelligence and goal setting in adolescents. Psicumex, 12(1), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.36793/psicumex.v12i1.416



Adolescence is a determining factor for the development of a life project and habits. Adolescents with emotional intelligence show better adaptation skills, well-being, as well achieving plans and goals. The association between emotional intelligence and goal setting at this stage still needs to be investigated, so the aim of this study was to determine whether emotional intelligence is a predictor of effective goal setting in adolescents and if there are differences between males and females and between adolescents of different ages. A total of 670 high school students between 15 and 17 years of age (58% female and 42% male) were evaluated and administered the Self-Awareness and Goal Setting Inventory, as well as four components of the Emotional Intelligence Profile. The data were analyzed by means of Student's t analysis, simple ANOVA, Pearson's r and linear regression. The results show that those with higher emotional intelligence have greater goal-setting skills. Women are better at identifying the obstacles related to achieving their goals and are more empathetic. Men are more optimistic and express their emotions more. Older adolescents (17 years old) are more willing to achieve than younger ones. In conclusion, it is possible to design strategies for adolescents to improve their emotional intelligence, as this is an important factor in setting goals and building a life project.

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