Effect of a Self-Efficacy Program for Weight on Self-Attributes and Affections
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weight control

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León Hernández, R. C., Del Ángel García, J. E. ., Rodríguez Pérez, A. C. ., Gómez Peresmitré, G. ., Platas Acevedo, S. ., & Pineda García, G. . (2022). Effect of a Self-Efficacy Program for Weight on Self-Attributes and Affections. Psicumex, 12(1), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.36793/psicumex.v12i1.410



In view of the growing problem of obesity in adolescents, private and public institutions have developed different prevention strategies. In this sense, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of an obesity prevention program based on self-efficacy for weight control, on the self-attributes and affect variables in junior high school adolescents in the southern region of Tamaulipas, Mexico. The quasi-experimental study was conducted with students (n=57) from private and public junior high schools. The obesity prevention program integrates topics such as healthy eating, exercise, and self-efficacy that were divided into 4 sessions each lasting 120 minutes. A battery of instruments was applied: Perceived Self-Efficacy Inventory for Weight Control, the Self-Attribution Inventory, and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale. The results of the ANOVA Repeated Measures show significant effects (p<.05) in the negative self-attribution variable in the within-subjects factor and in the time-by-condition interaction. Likewise, significant results (p<.05) were obtained in the intersection time by condition in negative affect. The means show a decrease in negative affect that lasts at follow-up in the intervened group, and a tendency to maintain self-attribution. On the contrary, the control group presented an increase in both study variables. The foregoing allows us to conclude that the program contributes to improving negative affect and self-attribution.

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