Grounded on the idea that connectedness to nature is essential to facing environmental problems, the aim of this study was to demonstrate the hypothesis that people who perceive a greater sense of connectedness with nature will practice more sustainable behaviors (SB) Previous studies had reported that this sense of connectedness might enhance the practice of pro-environmental behaviors. Yet, so far no study considering the relationship between an aggregate of the four instances of SB (pro-ecological, altruistic, frugal and equitable behaviors) and connectedness to nature, had been conducted. Two hundred seventy-seven individuals at the city of Hermosillo, Mexico responded to an instrument assessing the four instances of SB, as well as a connectedness to nature scale. A structural equation model revealed a significant relation between connectedness to nature and SB, which suggests that people with higher connection to nature will practice more pro-environmental but also pro-social behaviors. Further studies, in which this connectedness and its implications are studied more deeply, are required.
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