This paper describes the assessment of the factor structure of the Spanish version (Díaz, Rodríguez, Blanco, Moreno, Gallardo, Valle, & van Dierendonck, 2006) of the Ryff’s (1989, Ryff & Keyes, 1995) Psychological Well-being Scales, developed on the responses of 1060 college students. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) procedures applied allow to conclude that the model doesn’t fit data properly, and it doesn ́t validate the 6 dimension structure originally formulated for the construct. In an exploratory mode, AFC procedures allowed to identify for the sample, two dimensions that explained Psychological Well-being: Personal Growth, and Self-Acceptance. Adjustment and internal consistency indices of the model showed that the 15 statements measure-grouped into the two dimensions or scales- is a good tool for studying students’ adaptation to their life at college. Further studies are required to calibrate the questionnaire.
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