Human-Centered Design Thinking: A Strategic Option to Treat Diabetes Mellitus
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treatment adherence
type II diabetes mellitus
thinking design
health collaboration
disease control

How to Cite

Mora Romo, J. F., & Montero-López Lena, M. (2024). Human-Centered Design Thinking: A Strategic Option to Treat Diabetes Mellitus . Psicumex, 14(1), 1–29.



Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a set of metabolic disorders that increase the risk of multisystemic diseases. In Mexico, Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) have been proposed for the healthcare of people with T2DM, from prevention to rehabilitation. However, although these guidelines emphasize the active participation of patients in their treatment to enhance treatment adherence, the necessary information on the procedures has not been provided. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to propose Human-Centered Design Thinking (HCDP) as a strategy for this purpose. The steps that constitute this methodology are described, as well as the results found in the international literature. The coherence of the HCDP with Mexican CPG recommendations is discussed, as is the importance of the methodological clarity provided by this model to improve treatment adherence in people with T2DM.
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