Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale: Evidence of Validity in Mexico
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family functioning

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Urías Aguirre, K. M., Montero Pardo, X., Musitu Ochoa, G., Estévez López, E., Jiménez Martínez, T. I., & Padilla-Bautista, J. A. (2023). Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale: Evidence of Validity in Mexico. Psicumex, 13(1), 1–28.



The quality of communication between parents and children can be a risk or protective factor for the development of challenges in adolescents. Therefore, it is fundamental for the professionals in prevention and intervention to have valid and reliable instruments to evaluate this indicator of the quality of family functioning. The objective of this study was to obtain evidence of the validity of the Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale by Barnes & Olson (1982). Two samples were obtained, one with 661 participants (mean=15 years old, SD= 1.6) for the exploratory factor analysis; and another with 240 participants (mean= 14.8 years old, SD=1.6) for the confirmatory factor analysis. Both analyses showed that the instrument is made up of two factors that explain 47% (mother) and 49% (father) of the variance. Reliability coefficients from the final scale for mothers and fathers oscillated between 0.64 and 0.78. The findings indicate that this scale has adequate psychometric properties to be used in the Mexican population.
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